Council Agendas, Staff Reports, Minutes & Videos

Agendas/City Council Wrap-Up

The City Council agenda contains a description of each subject matter to be considered and a summary of the action that may be taken by the City Council at the meeting.  AGENDAS ARE SUBJECT TO CHANGE UP TO 72 HOURS PRIOR TO A REGULAR MEETING AND 24 HOURS PRIOR TO A SPECIAL MEETING.  Please refer to the RULES OF CONDUCT AT CITY COUNCIL MEETINGS for more information.  Click here to download the Completed Agenda with actions of most recent City Council meeting.


Once approved by the City Council, the City Council meeting minutes are the official record of action taken by the City Council on items listed on an agenda. Archived agendas and minutes are available on the City's Public Portal.  


To watch LIVE Council meetings, go to, CityTV cable channel 16 or the City’s YouTube Channel at Video of City Council meetings taking place in the Council Chambers are posted on this page by the next business day. Please contact CityTV Santa Monica at (310) 458-8590 for videos prior to 2004. 

Public Comment

Written Public Comment.  In lieu of speaking at the meeting, the public is strongly encouraged to submit written public comment on agenda items via email to Written public comment submitted before 12:00 p.m. on the day of the meeting will be available for online viewing. Please note the agenda item number in the subject line of your written comments.

Oral public comment. Persons wishing to address the City Council regarding items on the agenda must be present and submit their name and address (optional) to the City Clerk before the public hearing is opened for that item. Register to speak at the Speaker Kiosk prior to the meeting and throughout the meeting.

Remarks from the public are limited to a total of 6 minutes per City Council meeting, with a maximum of 2 minutes and a minimum of one minute per public comment section. Under some circumstances, Council may change the maximum to 1 minute per agenda item. 

Except for the author of the request, public comment on 12-items are limited to 1 minute. Except on General Public Input, speakers may donate 2 minutes to another person who may speak for a total of 4 minutes on that item. Both the donor of time and the designated speaker must sign up at a Speaker Kiosk and be present when called upon to speak.

Levine Act Disclosure. Pursuant to the Levine Act (Govt Code Section 84308), any party to a permit, license, contract, or other entitlement before the Council is required to disclose on the record any contribution, including aggregated contributions, of more than $500 made by the party or the party's agents within the preceding 12 months to any City official. Participants and agents are requested to make this disclosure as well. The disclosure must include the name of the party, participant, or agent, and any other person making the contribution; the name of the recipient, the amount of the contribution, and the date the contribution was made.  Click here for more information.  

Electronic Presentation Materials

All PowerPoint presentations, videos, audio, electronic images, and electronic portable document format s (PDFs) intended for use at a City Council meeting can be emailed to, and must be received no later than 12:00 p.m. on the day of a City Council meeting. 

Resolution establishing the 2025 City Council Meeting Calendar

To search past agendas, click here.
Select a Year
June 24 5:30 PM Agenda Meeting Video Archive
June 10 5:30 PM Agenda Meeting Video Archive
May 27 5:30 PM Agenda Meeting Video Archive
May 13 5:30 PM Agenda Meeting Video Archive
April 22 5:30 PM Agenda Meeting Video Archive
April 08 5:30 PM Agenda Meeting Video Archive
March 25 5:30 PM Agenda Meeting Video Archive
March 18 5:00 PM Agenda Minutes Meeting Video Archive
March 11 5:35 PM Agenda Meeting Video Archive
March 11 5:30 PM Agenda Meeting Video Archive
March 08 9:00 AM Agenda Meeting Video Archive
February 25 5:30 PM Agenda Minutes Meeting Video Archive
February 11 5:30 PM Agenda Meeting Video Archive
January 28 5:30 PM Agenda Meeting Video Archive
January 21 5:30 PM Agenda Minutes Meeting Video Archive
January 14 5:30 PM Meeting Cancelled Meeting Video Archive
January 10 2:30 PM Agenda Minutes Meeting Video Archive
January 10 8:00 AM Meeting Cancelled Meeting Video Archive